Thursday 22 June 2017

Yes it's back! It's the one, the only, the  Black hole story. The full version!

The black hole.
“Year, 2017, month October, day Tuesday. In one hour my crew and I are going to go to space on the Enterprise. T-10 seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 liftoff.

There it goes, into space it was the most magnificent site in the whole universe. Until a black hole suddenly appeared. It started ripping holes out of the ship. All the crew died.

The only survivor was the captain, Neil,(Neil has brown hair and brown eyes)  but the black hole took the ship to with gruesome, monsters eating each other. then they fixed their eyes on Neil.

He went to get his phaser but is wasn't  there, then he saw it, it was 50 meters away under a ginormous monster, with eyes the size of a brick walls, and he was as big as an island. It was staring right at him.

Then the beast suddenly lept at him but Neil ran towards it to get his phaser. and the monster just missed him and his mouth went over a different monster and he ate it.

Neil got his phaser and shot the monster. But the phaser was on stun mode so it just put the monster to sleep. But Neil didn't care he just ran and ran and ran until he couldn't run any more. He was so tired that he just fall on the ground and went to sleep.

Unfortunately he went to sleep in a monster nest fill of monster eggs. When he woke up the mum monster was there staring at him 10 centimetres away from him, then it gave out a roar so loud you could hear it from space. It nearly made Neil deaf.

Then he had a thought since the monster that was in front of him was one that can fly, if he trained it he can make a portal back to Earth.

So he got some fish and gave it to the monster and the monster  ate it. Then it was trained and Neil could ride it.

But the first thing he had to do was name it so he named it Sally. But then the eggs suddenly began to wriggle and then they blew up and when the dust cleared there was three baby monsters even though they weren't really monsters yet, because they were about the size of a chicken, and they were the cutest thing that Neil hed ever seen in the whole universe.

Fortunately they had wings and they could fly. But now Neil had to name these baby monsters. He checked to see if they were boys or girls and they were all boys . Their names are Jones, David and Indiana.

Then Neil got back on Sally and he flew off in the direction of a mountain, there shouldn't be any monsters there and the baby monsters followed them. When they got there the mountain was swarming with monsters so they didn't go there.  Then they went to a different muntin and that one was swarming with monsters as well, so they didn't go there. That went wrong for about 1 hour. When the funnel found a mutant with no monsters on it they went there and made a hut because it will take a while to make the portal.

When they did that that they went back to where the Enterprise got destroyed because they needed sume stuff to make the potil. It took 10 days to make the potill and in the end it looked like this.
Image result for portal on a stand Image result for portal
When it is on it looks like this.

So the portal was done and it was time for Neil to go home and he can take Sally and the babies. So they went through the portal and they were in New Zealand.  

But then the ground started to shake and then out of nowhere came was a ginormous monster, and started so destroy the buildings and then it saw Neil, (It was the monster from the start). Neil reached for his phaser but he remembered he left it in the world with all the monsters then he heard the sound off sirens and the sound was beginning to get louder and louder and louder. Until he could see cop cars and helicopters. But the monster saw them too and with one swipe with his ginormous claw he sent the police cars flying. Then it leapt at Neil, he brast himself and got ready to die.

But he didn't die he opened his eyes, and he saw the ginormous monster 20 meters away from him with Sally 10  meters away from him. Sally was protecting Neil. The monster dashed at Sally, but she dodged it and bit the monster on the head and then on the butt and when Sally did that she ripped chunks of flesh of it. And then Sally bit him in the chest and then she went to get Neil so he can go through the hole in the monster's chest that Sally made when she bit the monster.

So Neil went in the monster and went to the monster heart and then he got his knife out of his pocket ( it was a pocket knife) and he got the knife out and stabbed the monster's heart and the monster gave out a roar and then it dropped down to the ground dead!

Then Neil came out of the monster and went to Sally. They had done it and defeated the monster. But in the monster would there other monsters felt the death of the ginormus monster it died because he was the king of all monster and they will had their revenge.

(Wait for the next story).

Thursday 15 June 2017

This is my narrative story about a man could Neil.

“Year, 2017, month October, day Tuesday. In one hour my crew and I are going to go to space on the Enterprise. T-10 seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 liftoff.

There it goes, into space it was the most magnificent site in the whole universe. Until a black hole suddenly appeared. It started ripping holes out of the ship. All the crew died.

The only survivor was the captain, Neil, but the black hole took the ship to with gruesome, monsters eating each other. then they fixed their eyes on Neil.

He went to get his phaser but is wasn't  there, then he saw it, it was 50 meters away under a ginormous monster, with eyes the size of a brick walls, and he was as big as an island. It was staring right at him.

Then the beast suddenly lept at him but Neil ran towards it to get his phaser. and the monster just missed him and his mouth went over a different monster and he ate it.

Neil got his phaser and shot the monster. But the phaser was on stun mode so it just put the monster to sleep. But Neil didn't care he just ran and ran and ran until he couldn't run any more. He was so tired that he just fall on the ground and went to sleep.

Unfortunately he went to sleep in a monster nest fill of monster eggs. When he woke up the mum monster was there staring at him 10 centimetres away from him, then it gave out a roar so loud you could hear it from space. It nearly made Neil deaf.

Then he had a thought since the monster that was in front of him was one that can fly, if he trained it he can make a portal back to Earth.

So he got some fish and gave it to the monster and the monster  ate it. Then it was trained and Neil could ride it.

But the first thing he had to do was name it so he named it Sally. But then the eggs suddenly began to wriggle and then they blew up and when the dust cleared there was three baby monsters even though they weren't really monsters yet, because they were about the size of a chicken, and they were the cutest thing that Neil hed ever seen in the whole universe.

Fortunately they had wings and they could fly. But now Neil had to name these baby monsters. He checked to see if they were boys or girls and they were all boys. Their names are Jones, David and Indiana.

Then Neil got back on Sally and he flew off in the direction of a mountain, there shouldn't be any monsters there and the baby monsters followed them.  
to be continued.

Thursday 8 June 2017

E-asttle writing test

Today in Rimu we had to do an E-asttle writing test and this is what I did. An E-asttle is a writing test when we get giving a thing to write about. this one is. I heard a whisper but know one was there.  

It was just an ordinary day at school but that all changed when suddenly the power went out and a really big cloud and big as a planet  went in front of the sun. and then we heard a whisper saying “you are not alone, you are not alone”. Then we saur a monster the size of a soccer field and it seat it’s name was, Dave. and he said “you are worthless creches. surrender and I will eat you fast so you don't feel any pain.then Mikael said “no, go away and you won't feel eney pain”. (Mikael has super powers) then the monster began to burst with laughter so loud that you could heir it from in space. “Hu hu hu hu you think that I will run from you. You are  worthless creches hu hu hu hu hu” then Mikael said “ok you asked for this” then Mikael ran at the monster. He ran as fast as lightning. Then he used his webe powers and tid the monster up. But the monster was strong and he broke  the webs and he dived at Mikael but he mist him had he hit the ground. Then Mikael said to the monster. “Go back to where you came from and I will not hurt you anymore”. So the monster left. But the cloud was still there so Mikael went up to it and he saw  it wasn't a cloud, it was a spaceship then he saw the monster in it and then it vanisht and was never seen again. The End.                     

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Learning to use Screencastify

today in Rimu we have been Learning to use Screencastify. Here is my thing I did we had to do it about maths.

Thursday 1 June 2017


Last week on Wednesday Phil from attitude came and tokt to us about who we are and I am an otter. An otter is a person who always has fun. there is an otter a lion a beaver and a  Labrador. a Labrador is someone who is always kind. a lion is a leader. a beaver is someone who gets stuff done the first time.

    Hers Phil.